Saturday, 3 September 2011


We’ve just arrived in New Orleans and it is wet.  Turns out, we’ll be sharing our weekend with Tropical Storm Lee – here’s what CBS news says:

Tropical Storm Lee is making this holiday weekend a dangerous wash out for residents along the Gulf Coast. The slow-moving storm pounded Louisiana and Mississippi Saturday, causing flooding, forcing evacuations and knocking out power to thousands. It had maximum sustained winds of 60 mph.

Grreeeeaaat. Note to self: check the weather update next time.  

This morning we were in New York and it was HOT. I started writing a blog post there, but due to technical issues (aka lack of internet access) couldn’t post it. So while we contemplate how to amuse ourselves in this stormy weather, here’s one I prepared earlier:

It’s 7am in New York and time for breakfast.

We arrived yesterday afternoon at JFK airport.  The sun was blazing, blue skies as far as the eye could see (quite a change from the greyness of London!) Getting through customs was (surprisingly) relatively painless - hopefully that continues for the next four flights we need to catch here.

We took a yellow cab from the airport to Manhattan. Just saying that makes me feel like I’m in a movie! And really, the whole place does make you feel like you’re on a film set. The yellow cabs, the brownstone buildings, the street names – everything about New York so far has a strange familiarity – surely a result of watching too many American shows on TV.

Later today we’re heading to N’Orleans but we’ll be heading back to NY for 3 days before we go back home.

Back home is London! We haven’t found a flat yet but we have found Little G - an additional member of our family :) She is a little 6 week old Leonberger puppy,  a round fluffy ball of fur, and the cutest thing you’ll ever see! Now that we’ve found her, we need to find a place that will have us all.

We spent 2 days last week flat-hunting but haven’t found anything yet. Mr G wants an open plan living area, I want a gas hob, and Little G wants some open outdoor space. We haven’t found a place that meets all of our criteria, and it looks like we may have to compromise on some of our wish list. The rental market in London moves incredibly quickly – by the time we see a place listed online and contact the agent, it’s already under offer.

But all that can wait for 2 weeks. For now, we’re on holiday in the US of A. It’s 7am and time for breakfast.

Mrs G

PS. While we were in London, we went to this nice mexican place for KC’s birthday, called Wahaca. And I gotta say that they had the nicest shrimp salad taco!

Sorry had to mention food – its been to long since we blogged about the good eats we’ve been having.

Mr G

P.P.S After that blog was written, we ventured out into the West Village and had an incredibly huge and tasty breakfast of eggs bene with bacon roasted potatoes, which we then walked off around the area which was like a mini-tour of the SATC set – Perry St (Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment), the meat-packing district, and the playground where Miranda took Brady all the time! What did I say about NY being a big film set? Unfortunately I didn’t take my camera to breakfast but will do next time!

Mrs G


  1. OMG you have a leonberger!!!! PHOTOS!!!!!!

  2. Little G sounds like the perfect addition to the family :) looking forward to pix of her and of the rest of the US trip. I'm impressed by the lack of hassles with customs/immigration. Clearly having a young pretty wife is the way to go!
