Monday, 29 August 2011

The G's are off!

We're on our way!

We fly out of Singapore tonight. First into London for three days, and then on to New York, New Orleans, Orlando (and more importantly, Disneyworld!) and Boston!

The last week's been great! Aside from the friends and family (having the cuzzies from KL here was especially fun!), the sublime food and the tropical weather, its been so much fun just milling around with Mrs G! 

But having said that, I'm definitely looking forward to having her all to myself for a little while! 

But, with leaving any place, there always is a little bit of sadness. In this case, I'd imagine that it probably would be a little bit more pronounced for Mrs G, but its been somewhat contagious. I guess its a bit of leaving the familiar and comfortable behind and a bit of trepidation about what will await us on the other side of the globe. Its hard not to compare what is with what one imagines may be. When the familiar brings such joys, new adventures will inevitably be accompanied with a  slight glaze of anxiety!

But, with Mrs G in hand, I'm sure that whatever happens, we'll have a ball of fun along the way! 

- Mr G

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure the other side of the world will feel like home in no time with all the cousins and friends that are there now, and with more on their way :)
