Monday, 22 August 2011

The Birthday

To pick up where I left off.. The birthday.

Turning 31 may seem to be somewhat of a non-event. But in my case, this was probably one of the most notable birthdays I've had for a while. It was my very first birthday as a married man, the first day that I was living with my wife and the first birthday in more than a decade away from the Welly krew. All in all, an important one to remember.

So, as one would expect with all birthdays in Singapore, I spent most of it eating. Breakfast in the morning made up of peanut butter and toast, followed by a brunch of 2 minute noodles, lunch with parents and uncle (involving some of the most scrumptious steamed fish with lemongrass, and peking duck, I've ever had), some mid afternoon twisties, hot dog buns and curry puffs for snacks, all polished off with a yummy plate of chicken rice for dinner! The food coupled with a good dose of cowboys, aliens and a few stand-up comics made for a pretty good day all around..

While the food and activities (and the very cool pressies that I got) definitely made the day lots of fun, it was the ability to glance over my shoulder and see Mrs G standing right next to me that really sealed the day. The immeasurable pleasure of seeing her, holding her hand and just generally being silly with her absolutely made the day!

So, now day 3 in Singapore; Mrs G is back at work; and I've spent the vast majority of the day napping. Its 4.30pm now, and I think about time for a shower. The holiday is definitely in full swing now.

- Mr G


  1. If this was a facebook status update I would like it. PS: I can't believe you've never had Peking Duck! So so goood!!!
