Friday, 26 August 2011

Movin’ on…

Since Mr G has already posted twice, and being on holiday means he has vast amounts of time at his disposal with which to ponder and blog, I figured I better get in on the action before this blog becomes The Adventures of Mr G.

Today was my last day at work, and ahead stretches five weeks of freedom. The movers came yesterday and packed up our things – our life fits into 21 boxes (of which 7 are filled with books!) so we are well and truly on our way.

With my last few days in Singapore creeping by, I’m beginning to feel a little nostalgic about this place. I should have known this was coming. The same thing happened when I left Guernsey (of all places) at the end of 2009.

While I was living there, Guernsey was like The Rock, a place from which to escape at the first possible opportunity. 70,000 people, virtually non-existent summers, a main shopping street the size of Jackson St in Petone… There was really nothing good about it. And then I left.

And almost as soon as I left, I began to miss it. No, seriously. There were some redeeming features about the place (the blue-bell carpet that appears every spring, and the stunning Fermaine Bay beach café deserve honourable mentions) but what I missed most were the people I met there. The friends I made in Guernsey (they know who they are!) made it feel like home.

The same thing is happening here in Singapore. I may have been known to moan and whine about life here (tropical-sized cockroaches, incredibly rude service, no ‘keep to the left’ rule on over-crowded footpaths…) but now that Mr G is here, and we are finally moving on, I am feeling quite sentimental. I will miss the constant warmth, and the variety of good food available 24/7 (and cheap too! $3.50 for chicken rice, anyone?), but most of all I will miss the people I have met and known here. Weekend pedicures with Mrs D, movies in Row D at Illuma, early morning runs at East Coast, Korean dramas. I will miss my Singapore Family when I’m gone.

Truly it doesn’t matter where you are, what matters is who you’re with.

- Mrs G


  1. Yay! I was hoping that Mrs G was gonna make an appearance soon. That said, I wasn't expecting a nostalgic post about spore! You could always smuggle some chicken rice (and maybe Mrs D) in yr bags/boxes. safe travels Mr & Mrs G! will talk soon. lots of love.

  2. $3.50 chicken rice?!!? Maybe I should move there. PS: when you say $3.50, is that NZ$3.50? Hehe, funny how one always thinks of the NZD!!
