Saturday, 20 August 2011

The Beginning

It appears to me that the best place to begin a journey is of course at the beginning. And this, is my beginning to the Journey. Mrs G still has a few more days to go, before her beginning, but, in the spirit of getting things rolling, we thought that I could at the very least get started..

So after the most unusual week I can remember in Wellington, I began my journey. Leaving home was far more difficult than I could have anticipated. It is far to easy to take for granted the love and affection when we are home. The prospect of leaving it behind was only made bearable by the idea of the journey - and most importantly sharing that journey with Mrs G!

So having got on the plane, I made it to Singapore! The heat, as always, is depressingly hot! But seeing Mrs G through those glass walls as I picked my bags up off the carousel made it all worthwhile!

So, now it is the morning of the first full day of our journey, and my birthday to boot! Time to make some plans for the day methinks!

- Mr G


  1. Very happy this is up! Yay :) Bon voyage G-sters!

  2. How exciting! Don't forget to fit lots of Chicken Rice in too while you're there!

  3. Yes, eat lots of chicken rice!!

  4. Great first post and looking forward to reading many more as you guys go on this exciting journey.

    Maybe you can spend this week going around hawker stalls learning the secret of making the best chicken rice? :)

  5. Woohoo! This is great. I had forgotten all about your plans for a blog. I must say this has cheered me up no end! I can't wait to read all about your adventures. Big hugs and kisses to you both!
