Monday, 29 August 2011

The G's are off!

We're on our way!

We fly out of Singapore tonight. First into London for three days, and then on to New York, New Orleans, Orlando (and more importantly, Disneyworld!) and Boston!

The last week's been great! Aside from the friends and family (having the cuzzies from KL here was especially fun!), the sublime food and the tropical weather, its been so much fun just milling around with Mrs G! 

But having said that, I'm definitely looking forward to having her all to myself for a little while! 

But, with leaving any place, there always is a little bit of sadness. In this case, I'd imagine that it probably would be a little bit more pronounced for Mrs G, but its been somewhat contagious. I guess its a bit of leaving the familiar and comfortable behind and a bit of trepidation about what will await us on the other side of the globe. Its hard not to compare what is with what one imagines may be. When the familiar brings such joys, new adventures will inevitably be accompanied with a  slight glaze of anxiety!

But, with Mrs G in hand, I'm sure that whatever happens, we'll have a ball of fun along the way! 

- Mr G

Friday, 26 August 2011

Movin’ on…

Since Mr G has already posted twice, and being on holiday means he has vast amounts of time at his disposal with which to ponder and blog, I figured I better get in on the action before this blog becomes The Adventures of Mr G.

Today was my last day at work, and ahead stretches five weeks of freedom. The movers came yesterday and packed up our things – our life fits into 21 boxes (of which 7 are filled with books!) so we are well and truly on our way.

With my last few days in Singapore creeping by, I’m beginning to feel a little nostalgic about this place. I should have known this was coming. The same thing happened when I left Guernsey (of all places) at the end of 2009.

While I was living there, Guernsey was like The Rock, a place from which to escape at the first possible opportunity. 70,000 people, virtually non-existent summers, a main shopping street the size of Jackson St in Petone… There was really nothing good about it. And then I left.

And almost as soon as I left, I began to miss it. No, seriously. There were some redeeming features about the place (the blue-bell carpet that appears every spring, and the stunning Fermaine Bay beach café deserve honourable mentions) but what I missed most were the people I met there. The friends I made in Guernsey (they know who they are!) made it feel like home.

The same thing is happening here in Singapore. I may have been known to moan and whine about life here (tropical-sized cockroaches, incredibly rude service, no ‘keep to the left’ rule on over-crowded footpaths…) but now that Mr G is here, and we are finally moving on, I am feeling quite sentimental. I will miss the constant warmth, and the variety of good food available 24/7 (and cheap too! $3.50 for chicken rice, anyone?), but most of all I will miss the people I have met and known here. Weekend pedicures with Mrs D, movies in Row D at Illuma, early morning runs at East Coast, Korean dramas. I will miss my Singapore Family when I’m gone.

Truly it doesn’t matter where you are, what matters is who you’re with.

- Mrs G

Monday, 22 August 2011

The Birthday

To pick up where I left off.. The birthday.

Turning 31 may seem to be somewhat of a non-event. But in my case, this was probably one of the most notable birthdays I've had for a while. It was my very first birthday as a married man, the first day that I was living with my wife and the first birthday in more than a decade away from the Welly krew. All in all, an important one to remember.

So, as one would expect with all birthdays in Singapore, I spent most of it eating. Breakfast in the morning made up of peanut butter and toast, followed by a brunch of 2 minute noodles, lunch with parents and uncle (involving some of the most scrumptious steamed fish with lemongrass, and peking duck, I've ever had), some mid afternoon twisties, hot dog buns and curry puffs for snacks, all polished off with a yummy plate of chicken rice for dinner! The food coupled with a good dose of cowboys, aliens and a few stand-up comics made for a pretty good day all around..

While the food and activities (and the very cool pressies that I got) definitely made the day lots of fun, it was the ability to glance over my shoulder and see Mrs G standing right next to me that really sealed the day. The immeasurable pleasure of seeing her, holding her hand and just generally being silly with her absolutely made the day!

So, now day 3 in Singapore; Mrs G is back at work; and I've spent the vast majority of the day napping. Its 4.30pm now, and I think about time for a shower. The holiday is definitely in full swing now.

- Mr G

Saturday, 20 August 2011

The Beginning

It appears to me that the best place to begin a journey is of course at the beginning. And this, is my beginning to the Journey. Mrs G still has a few more days to go, before her beginning, but, in the spirit of getting things rolling, we thought that I could at the very least get started..

So after the most unusual week I can remember in Wellington, I began my journey. Leaving home was far more difficult than I could have anticipated. It is far to easy to take for granted the love and affection when we are home. The prospect of leaving it behind was only made bearable by the idea of the journey - and most importantly sharing that journey with Mrs G!

So having got on the plane, I made it to Singapore! The heat, as always, is depressingly hot! But seeing Mrs G through those glass walls as I picked my bags up off the carousel made it all worthwhile!

So, now it is the morning of the first full day of our journey, and my birthday to boot! Time to make some plans for the day methinks!

- Mr G